While quality photos will help your real estate listing tremendously, a great written description can do wonders as well. According to Zillow.com, these 15 adjectives could make the difference between asking price and your best sale of the year!

1. Luxurious
Homes priced on the lower end of the spectrum with the word "luxurious" included in the listing sold for 8.2% more on average than expected. Even if the home is a modest one, describing amenities as "luxurious" will signal to the buyer's brain that this listing is high end, and worth a higher price!
2. Captivating
Top-tier priced homes listed as "captivating" sold for 6.5% more on average than expected. Not only is "captivating" a more unique descriptor word than other choices, but it also presents the connotation that this home will hold your attention.
3. Impeccable
Lower-tier listings with the word "impeccable" sold for 5.9% more than expected. "Impeccable" makes a statement about the quality of your home - that it is desirable!
4. Stainless As one would expect, the word "stainless" in listings is usually used to describe the kitchen appliances being "stainless steel." For especially lower-tier priced home, this is a huge selling point and should be mentioned, as homes in this price category sold for 5% more than expected.

5. Basketball
The first non-adjective! While it may seem odd to mention this one, let's look at it in context. For any lower priced homes, a basketball court can be a huge selling point. So much so that these homes containing "basketball" sold for 4.5% more than expected!
6. Landscaped
Your home does not stop at the walls; a beautiful yard is just as desirable as a great interior. Lower-priced listings containing this word sold for 4.2% more than expected.
7. Granite
Similar to "stainless" and "basketball," "granite" is usually used to describe a specific feature in the home. Granite surfaces are extremely desirable to buyers, so much that listings containing "granite" sold for 1 to 4% more than expected across all price tiers.
8. Pergola
If your listing contains a feature not found in every home, capitalize on it. For buyers who may be browsing for homes online, including unique keywords on your listing will help attract viewers. Mid-priced listings containing the word "pergola" sold for 4% more on average.
9. Remodel
If the home was recently remodeled, let the buyer know! When buyers see the word "remodel," they think "new" and "less work for me." Listings with "remodel" sold for 1.7-2.9% across all price tiers.
10. Beautiful While you are probably already including this word in your listing, it is important not to forget ol' reliable. Lower priced homes described as "beautiful" sold for 2.3% more than expected.

11. Gentle
Now, "gentle" might seem like a curve ball, but if you can describe the surround landscape's "gentle rolling hills," who can say no to that? High-priced listings with the word "gentle" sold for 2.3% more than expected on average.
12. Spotless
While you might hire a staging company to make sure a high-priced home looks its best, this is not the typical case for homes in the lower-price tier. Cleanliness is important, and those lower-priced listings containing "spotless" sold for 2% more on average.
13. Tile Again, "tile" is a specific word that should be used to highlight such features in your listing. A newly tiled backsplash or updated bathroom tile are not anything to ignore. Low-tier homes with "tile" in the description sold for 2% more than expected.

14. Upgraded
Much like in hotels or airplanes, an upgrade is always a good thing. Help your buyers feel like they are getting the VIP treatment by using the word "upgraded" in your listing. On average, low-price tier homes sold for 1.8% more.
15. Updated
"Updated" is similar to "upgraded" with the added benefit of the amenity feeling new! Mid-priced listings sold for 0.8% more than average.
While using some of these words might have been straight out of a "Realty 101" book, there were a few that were surprising. Try using these words in your listing and share the results with us!